Is your poo on point? How to determine the health of your digestive system

Is your poo on point? How to determine the health of your digestive system

1. Check the color: A healthy poop should be medium to dark brown in color. Anything too light or too dark could indicate an issue.

2. Consistency is key: Bristol Stool Chart (yes, that's a thing) classifies healthy poop as a "type 3" or "type 4". Soft and easy to pass, but not too watery.

3. Size matters: Your poop should be a decent length and not too thin. If it looks like rabbit pellets, it's a sign of constipation.

4. Beware of blood: If you notice any traces of blood in your poop, consult your doctor immediately. It could be a sign of serious conditions.

5. Frequency check: While there is no standard for how often you should poop, it's recommended to do it at least once a day. Anything less could indicate constipation.

Now be honest, have ever had issues with the stool?
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