7 embarrassing facts about toilet

7 embarrassing facts about toilet

7 Shocking Facts About Toilets That Will Make You Want to Hold It In

1) Did you know that the average person spends 3 years of their life on the toilet? That's a lot of wasted time!
2) One flush can produce over 40,000 microscopic water droplets that can travel up to 6 feet. Gross!
3) Your toothbrush can contain fecal matter from being too close to the toilet. Yuck!
4) Speaking of germs, the flush handle is one of the most bacteria-infested places in your entire bathroom.
5) Remember that big business meeting? Well, you probably sat on the same toilet seat as your boss. Awkward!
6) Over 1 billion people in the world don't have access to proper sanitation and toilets. Let's appreciate what we have!
7) The first modern flush toilet was invented in 1596 by a man named Sir John Harrington. Talk about innovation!

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